Michelle Acker
JG Annino
Sandy Beck
Dawn Betts-Green
Marina Brown
Cynie Cory
Linda Marie Cossa
Nicolette Costantino
Owen Goodwyne
Barbara Hamby
Liesel Hamilton
Julie Hauserman
Samiri Hernández Hiraldo
David C. Killeen
David Kirby
Steve Lapinsky
Lydia E. Malone
Jane Terrell
Paula Walborsky
Evan T. Wilson
Josephine Yu
“An owl swims through inky sky
on silent wings while I sleep.
He is that dream I had every night
before I met you.” — Sandy Beck
“Every time I left the house, left the comfort of my room, my mind invented symptoms. My head spun; my throat tightened; my heart pounded. My mind was failing me, making me think I was dying.“ — Liesel Hamilton
“In the picture the woods are small.
The pines don’t have heavy arms yet.
Celadon grass spikes the meadow,
sunset still sparks it gold.
This is an old picture.”
— Julie Hauserman
somebody just emailed me and asked me if I’d recently had an experience
that showed how powerful language is
and I said every day
every husband whose wife has asked do I look fat knows how powerful language is”
— David Kirby